
What is a crown?

Crowns may be considered to be protective covers which are placed over teeth. They are usually made of metal, ceramic, or a combination of both.

How are they made?
Step 1
The tooth is prepared to accept a crown. Defective fillings, decay, and
unsupported tooth structure are replaced to ensure the longevity of the new
crown. An impression of the prepared tooth is taken and the shade of the crown is determined to match the patient’s tooth colour.

Step 2
A tooth coloured temporary crown is made to protect the underlying tooth while the permanent crown is being fabricated in the laboratory.

Step 3
The crown is tried out in the mouth to ensure it fits well, and that it has an appropriate
and pleasing shape and colour. The bite is then checked. If all is satisfactory, it is bonded to the tooth.
How should I take care of my crowns?
Proper brushing and flossing is a must, taking special care of the gum line.


Just like our natural teeth, dentures need to be well taken care of. This will help maintain them in good condition and your mouth healthy.

Keeping your dentures clean:
Effective denture care requires both the mechanical removal of debris by brushing, followed by chemical disinfection.

Mechanical cleaning (denture brushing):
This simply involves scrubbing a denture to remove any accumulated debris. Ideally this should be carried out after every meal.
Denture brushes may be found at most pharmacies, but even a simple normal toothbrush may be used as long as it can navigate the curves and contours of the denture. Denture brushes have the advantage of having appropriate bristle stiffness and shape specifically made for denture cleaning. If a normal toothbrush is used, it
should only be used for that purpose alone, and not for brushing your own teeth as
well, as normal toothpastes may scratch the denture surface.

Denture brushing technique:
1) Before brushing, any loose debris should be rinsed away.
2) With a wet brush, scrub the dentures surface taking care to clean both the
inner and outer aspects of the denture.
3) Commercial denture toothpastes or creams may be used, but usually a mild
dishwashing liquid or hand soap may be just as effective. Keep in mind that
the most important factor with this type of cleaning is the friction of the brush
on the denture and not the type of cleaner applied.
4) Normal toothpaste should NOT be used on dentures as these often contain
abrasives that may scratch the denture surface. This will make it easier for
debris and stains to form on the denture making it unsightly.
5) After brushing, rinse the dentures thoroughly.

Other important points:
1) Brush dentures after every meal from both the outside and inside.
2) Don’t forget to clean your own mouth. Any remaining teeth should be brushed
and flossed and people who lack teeth should gently brush the roof of their
mouth and tongue.
3) Brush off any denture adhesive, as this may form a thick layer which is very
difficult to remove. This usually happens when dentures are allowed to air dry
rather then being placed in a water bath. 

What is a root canal treatment?

The root canals of teeth contain the nerve or pulp. When the pulp is damaged, for example, by dental decay or trauma, it can become inflamed or even infected. This can lead to a dental abscess and the tooth may have to be extracted.
Fortunately we can often save these teeth with root canal treatment. The root canals
contain the nerve or pulp. When the pulp is damaged, for example, by dental decay or trauma, it can become inflamed or even infected. This can lead to a dental abscess and the tooth may have to be extracted.
A Root Canal Treatment (RCT), also known as Endodontic treatment, is an option to save a tooth with a diseased nerve. This treatment involves one to three visits and includes removing the pulp, which is the inside of the tooth. Once the root canal is cleaned, it is sealed. In some cases, especially when the tooth is badly broken down, a crown might have to be used to cover the tooth and help make it stronger.


To extract a tooth, the dentist would numb the area first with a spray or gel, followed
by local anaesthetic to reduce discomfort. A small amount of bleeding is normal, in fact this is essential for the area to heal rapidly.

What to do after an extraction:

Take it easy for the day, do not exercise.
Do not spit out forcefully
Do not smoke for at least the rest of the day
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Avoid sucking, spitting and blowing your nose
Keep your fingers and tongue away from the extraction site
If you are still bleeding, place clean gauze, thick enough to bite on, then place it on the extraction site. If you keep bleeding after an hour or two, contact us immediately.
If a painkiller is required, a simple over-the-counter painkiller is usually enough. Ideally this should be taken before the local anaesthesia subsides.
You should NOT rinse for the first 24 hours, but after the initial period, rinse gently 4 times a day using warm salt water or a chlorhexidine mouth rinse.
A liquid or soft food diet should be followed for the first two days, avoid spicy foods and hot drinks
The gum tissue usually takes about three to four weeks to heal, while the bone can
take up to 6 months to heal completely. Any discomfort should lessen after two days. The patient may feel the sharp edge of the socket, this is the little bits of the bone that make way
to the surface. If pain starts to get worse after two days, contact us immediately, this
could be a sign of ‘dry socket’.

Dental Radiographs

Dental radiographs (X-rays) help us to evaluate your oral health, especially when it comes to the evaluation of areas that are difficult to see, such as between teeth andbeneath the surface of gums.
This works because X-rays are absorbed by teeth and bone, which are hard tissues and are denser than cheeks and gums (soft tissues).
Radiographs allow us to check for hidden abnormalities such as tooth decay, infections and signs of gum diseases.
It may be argued that dental radiographs are very small compared to our daily exposure from things like cosmic radiation and naturally-occurring radioactive elements, however this does not mean that they could be taken haphazardly.
X-rays should be taken depending on your oral health, age, risk of disease and signs or symptoms of oral diseases. Children, for example, may require X-rays more often than adults since their teeth and jaws are still developing. We only decide if radiographs need to be taken after fully examining your mouth.
We will usually recommend radiographs to a new patient, to determine the current oral health status, but only if this is found to be necessary after the initial examination.


Safi Dental Clinic
Dolmen Street
Hal Safi SFI 1521

Phone:  27560272/79092400